Welcome to the Family Dinner

Next Steps

Welcome to the Family Dinner - Next Steps

Thank you for joining us for the Welcome to the Family Dinner! We hope you enjoyed your time getting to know the Venture family better, and made meaningful connections with those around your dinner table. To take your next steps here at Venture Church, we encourage you to get involved in three areas:


At Venture, we believe that everyone has purpose, and that a big part of our purpose is to serve others. We serve others by being a part of the Venture Church Dream Team! The Dream Team is a group of selfless volunteers that do everything from playing instruments on the worship team, to engaging with children in VC Kids, to welcoming guests on Sunday mornings, to serving our city during off-site outreach events — And so much more! There is a place for everyone to belong on the Venture Dream Team.


To join the Dream Team, we invite you to register for our next Welcome to the Team Night.


You don’t have to do life or walk your faith journey alone! We offer lots of different small groups to fit the unique needs and life-stages of our diverse church family. Join an activity-based small group to enjoy a fun hobby or sport with new friends, or join a study-based small group to be guided through a specific topical conversation by Bible-based leaders — The possibilities are endless!


To join a small group, check out our roster of groups below.


Giving is one of the central themes in the Bible — Jesus discussed this subject more than Heaven, Hell, or prayer. To understand what it means to be a Christ-follower, we must also understand what it means to be a generous giver! We offer a risk-free option to take God at His word by inviting you to take part in the 90 Day Tithe Challenge. This challenge involves tithing 10% for 90 days — If at the end of your 90 days you don’t feel that God has blessed you, we’ll give every dollar back.


Join the 90 Day Tithe Challenge by scanning the QR Code below with your phone.